#6: Frey Supreme – Lebkuchen

So, today we have the Frey Supreme Lebkuchen bar.   As you know, I’m a big fan of Frey chocolates so I was definitely looking forward to trying out this unknown flavor.  So, what you are probably wondering, is Lebkuchen?  Well, the answer quite simply is a soft, somewhat large cookie-like dessert with a subtle gingerbread flavor.  You can definitely taste it in each bite of this chocolate.  It’s a great bar and the lebkuchen is a really great addition to a chocolate bar, even not being familiar with the flavor before.  Interestingly, I had a Frey Supreme Tiramisu bar (purchased locally) around this same time, but in comparing the two chocolates the Tiramisu bar tasted very oily and felt waxy compared to the earnest, but dense and rich milk chocolate from the imported bar.  It would not surprise me in the slightest if Frey bars from the States take a few shortcuts to make a cheaper product.

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